Tuesday, June 27, 2006


分庭抗礼 (fen1 ting2 kang4 li3)

分庭抗礼:彼此的关系对等,以平等的礼节相见。比喻平起平坐,地位相当。亦作分庭伉礼。 (1)
be received as an equal. (2)
抗礼:彼此以平等的礼节相待。後汉书·卷七十四上·袁绍传:士无贵贱,与之抗礼。亦作亢礼。 (1)

Google 搜索结果:
325,000 for "分庭抗礼"
15,900 for "分庭抗争"

“分庭抗争”系讹误。 --eltee

他(指俞平伯)又是五四时期最早的新诗人兼新散文家之一,独具特色。《桨声灯影的秦淮河》曾与朱自清先生的同名之作分庭抗礼。 (3)

(1) 《国语辞典》
(2) 《当代汉英字典》,林语堂
(3) 《华梵灵妙--金克木散文精选》,海天,2001。

1 comment:

eltee said...

Initially I had:

Google 搜索结果:
300,000 for 分庭抗礼
190,000 for 分庭抗争

which prompted Rong (who happens to work for Google) to email me:

Interesting results with Google search. :) It's acutally a bug(or a feature depending on who you ask :) with the query parser. Google seems to have trouble segmenting chinese characters into meaningful words and phrases (duan4 ju4), both in indexed web pages and query strings. This is actually a hard problem: in English it's trivial since you have the spaces, but in Chinese it's been troubling the literati since the beginning of time. :)

In this case, 分庭抗争 is probably treated as 分庭抗争 and 分庭+抗争 etc. To get a more accurate picture, you can put double quotes on the search string, which would treat it as a single phrase:

325,000 for "分庭抗礼"
15,900 for "分庭抗争"

Does that make you feel better? :)

Yes, it does! Thanks, Rong.:)