Wednesday, December 21, 2005


无明火 (wu2 ming2 huo3)

无明火:“无明”即痴味,无慧,昧于事理,系从梵语Avldya意译而来的。隋·慧远《大乘义章》卷四:“言无明者,痴暗之心,体无慧明,故曰无明。”“无明”居“十二因缘”之首,谓由“无明”不觉,造种种业,结识入胎,是生死轮回的根本。《楞严经》卷四说:“贪爱名为母,无明则为父。”二者相合,就产生出生命。南朝齐·萧子良《净住子净行法门》说:“将恐烦恼炽火,无由而灭;无明重暗,开了未期。”经中对“无明”有各种详尽的分析。修行佛法的归宿――成佛,也就是要彻底破除无明。无明包括贪欲和嗔怒等。在俗文学中,亦作无明火,无明业火,一般指怒火。如《刘知远诸宫调》第十一:“平白以无明火,不改从前穷性气。”元·佚名《昊天塔》第四折:“这厮待放蒙挣,早拨起咱无明火不邓邓。”《水浒传》第三回:“心头那一把无明业火,焰腾腾的按纳不住。”也指贪欲,欲火。如元·杨景贤《刘行首》第三折:“怎管的闲花风月自冤业,无明火未断绝,又生出闲枝节。” (1)
flames of anger. (2)
无明:1. Delusion, ignorance, folly. As the fundamentalmisunderstanding of reality that underlies all of thesufferings of unenlightened people, it is the first ofthe twelve limbs of conditioned origination. Rather thana lack of factual knowledge it is a basic error in modeof perception that prevents people from seeing things asthey really are (Skt. avidya^; Pali avijja^).2. In the Sarva^stiva^din 有部 doctrine it is categorizedas one of the elements of the great defiled ground 大烦恼地.In Yoga^ca^ra, it is one of the fundamental defilements根本烦恼, where it is usually written 痴. (1)

我遏住心头的无明业火,婉言答道:“我们没办法,只得再坐一下。你再泡几碗茶来,我奉送加倍的茶钱是了。” (3)


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