Thursday, November 03, 2005


今天的“每日中文词”由 Guest Editor 川友情提供:

湫隘(jiao3 ai4)

湫隘:低下狭小,《左传。昭公三年》: “子之宅近市,湫隘嚣尘,不可以居。”(1)
damp and narrow. (2)
湫:(jiao3)低洼 ;(qiu1) 水潭。 (1)

我是一向生活在孤寂中,我没有小玩伴,散学回家,… 屋宇中常常是静愔愔(yin1yin1: 安静和悦貌)的,而此时我会得不想出去与里巷中小儿争逐,独自游行在这个湫隘又阴沉的天井里。 (3)

(3)《施蛰存散文》,浙江文艺,1999。ISBN 7-5339-1111-3/I.1022.


Anonymous said...

This must be new dialect. All characters look exactly the same, little boxes. Aiyaa! I consult Dynasty of Lao and get back to you.

eltee said...

Your Majesty,

This web site is coded in "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)". The reason that you saw those little boxes could be either
a) you didn't have the GB2312 font installed on your computer or b) you didn't select the GB2312 option from the "View/Encoding" menu.

Please let me know if I can be of more help.